NAPOWRIMO – Day 4 [an image from a dream]

a poem

I dream of a poem again - of
words that would drown me
in the world of conscious and
the subconscious

that poem, which I have lost…

through the layers of yesterday’s

a darkness engulfs me, tortures me,
lashes me, mocks me, and then
it shows me a light

I crave for the poem that can
liberate me

it always have done; yet now
while I sit to write, the poem denies
its existence…

in my dream the poem takes

of clouds and float by
of water and flows away
of dewdrops and silently wait

of tiny flowers, of roads, of days,
of nights, of birds, of fish, of snails…

and then it becomes me, shackled
in chains of ashes from the bones
of my dear ones

is death so powerful that it could
kill my voice?

Anindita Bose


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