Love only on Love Day or All Days ?

Love is a strange dream that floats around us like tiny particles of our own essence. We love and we do not love. We find love and we lose love. We create love and we destroy love. But do we at all think for a while what is love...

Nothing, I would simply say it's nothing but a feeling that is born deep inside us the day we were born. The moment our tiny fingers touched Earth's atmosphere we felt love and then we cried, since we felt that this emotion will keep us alive till we tread on this planet.

Yet as we grow up the story changes and somehow love becomes an idea. We stretch it the ways we want, and the way people around us want and even make it a game, finally realizing that it cannot be defined the ways we want. Rather it is always present in our core in the purest form. Have you ever tried the honey directly from the bee hive ? What you must have felt is a raw sense and taste. Yes anything pure is wild and raw. So is love.

What we try is to tame is and make it our own kind. Not possible. The more we try the far it moves away from us. Let it be in its raw form. Feel it and live in it. It will grow around you. The simplest way to say this is, a cat loves you, a bird loves you and even a baby loves you without any connection or attachments. Love has its own flow, it has nothing to do with attachments or connections. It is you and it breathes with you.


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